Begoña Arano

AddressE-mail and phone
Begoña Arano
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturalies, C.S.I.C.
José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2
E-28006 Madrid
Spain or
Work: +39 40 30 13 21
Fax: +39 40 30 25 63
P-RP in the Iberian peninsula, North African water frogs, allozymes, mtDNA
You can reach me also under this address
Begona Arano
Dept. of Biology
The Open University

MK7 6AA, Milton Keynes

Go back to the waterfrog home page , the researcher page

If you find errors please inform
Peter Beerli ( or Dirk Schmeller (dirk@hydra.biologie.Uni-Mainz.DE)