Michael Veith

AddressE-mail and phone
Michael Veith
Dept. Populationbiology, Inst. of Zoology
Saarstrasse 21
University of Mainz
55099 Mainz
Work: + 49 (0) 61 31 / 39 29 84
Fax: + 49 (0) 61 31 / 39 37 31
P-RP-System, Indonesian frogs, Phylogeny, Populationbiology
Our www-server can be reached at http://perdix.biologie.uni-mainz.de/

Go back to the waterfrog home page, the researcher page

If you find errors please inform
Peter Beerli (beerli@scs.fsu.edu)or Dirk Schmeller (dirk@hydra.biologie.Uni-Mainz.DE)